Update from Trace
This TWIN book is a collection of factoids, thoughts, quips, code, quotes, photos, thought bombs, creative non-fiction, Native American history and prose. And it’s short.
Musqonichte translates Blue Sky.
ISBN: 9781731074010
First Edition
FREE BOOK REVIEW PDF: Shoot me an email. (laratrace@outlook.com)
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Available at this website via the Amazon links.
Here is the Preface:
“We could not
understand the invaders, or their numbers, or what they wanted. Not at
first. We tried everything. We could not understand them. We tried to
make peace, as best we could.
Communicating, language was always a problem. They took captives so we
took captives. They shot us where we
stood. We shot back. They hunted us like wolves and deer. They hid our bodies, and sometimes they left
us exposed to rot. We negotiated all the
time. We didn’t win their trust. The
invaders shaped this land with fences, and with atrocity. People do not
understand what happened here. They did not see the violence, the guns, the
murder, the brutality. The invader hunted us north and south, in every
direction. They called us savages.”
By any means necessary, we have stolen land, commited genocide,
exploited low-wage workers, all of that to become one of the wealthiest nations
in the world. And it’s a fact and a truth that we want to sweep [this history]
under a carpet and whitewash [it].
—Native author and
philanthropist Edgar Villanueva
**read more in this new book
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