Dana Lou Lone Hill Oyate WačhíŋyAŋpi (age 47) February 29, 1972 ~ November 15, 2019 (her obituary is on her author page) An Inspiring Lakota Writer, Activist her writing for the Lakota Country Times Dana Lone Hill, Oyate WačhíŋyAŋpi was a dedicated Native woman, mother, writer and activist with a family history full of notable Lakota people on both sides of her parentage. Dana can rest assured that her place in her tribe, the Oglala Lakota, is undisputable. On her mother’s side, she is the granddaughter of Susie Shot In The Eye, noted for walking back from Canada to be with her people and for being one of the most recognized Women Warriors, having fought in the Battle at Greasy Grass. GUARDIAN ARTICLES She fought valiantly alongside her sons Rock, Lone Hill and High Wolf along with her husband Shot In the Eye. On her paternal side, her grandfather is Lone Elk who was later named Caesar and his wife Mattie Shields. Lone Elk is noted for bein...